Throughout the different phases of production, which encompass harvesting, transportation, and storage, fresh fruits and vegetables are susceptible to contamination by microorganisms and pathogens. This contamination results in significant economic losses, primarily due to spoilage and a shortened shelf life. Furthermore, the presence of pathogens such as Escherichia coli or Listeria poses a substantial threat to public health, as well as contributing to financial setbacks.

Conventional disinfection techniques typically entail washing produce with antimicrobial chlorine solutions. Nevertheless, these solutions have a tendency to leave residual by-products and harmful residues on the surface of the produce, which may have carcinogenic properties and pose health hazards to consumers. Additionally, the utilization of chlorine or chlorine dioxide solutions in the washing process can be cost-prohibitive. Lastly, the use of such hazardous chemical solutions can have adverse environmental consequences, as they are capable of contributing to water pollution.

Thankfully, opting for ozone treatment in the disinfection of fruits and vegetables presents a highly favorable alternative. Ozone treatment leaves no harmful residues and is environmentally friendly. Furthermore, it proves to be a cost-effective and efficient method for disinfection, making it the preferred choice for numerous producers.

Frequently, individuals inquire about the suitability of ozone treatment for their specific application. The response is straightforward: wherever a customer currently employs toxic chemicals like chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, or bromide for vegetable washing, they can readily substitute them with ozone treatment.

Regulations and Safety Concerns

Numerous government agencies oversee the safety and quality of fruits and vegetables, addressing various regulatory and safety concerns. These issues encompass worries regarding pesticide residues, microbial contamination, and outbreaks of foodborne illnesses. Ensuring the safety and adherence to regulatory standards is of paramount importance. Here are a few key regulatory and safety considerations related to fruits and vegetables: Government bodies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States oversee pesticide usage and set thresholds for pesticide residues in food. Additionally, the FDA has introduced regulations and guidelines for preventing microbial contamination, notably through the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Advantages of Ozone Treatment for Fresh Produce Industry

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies ozone as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS). This designation signifies that ozone treatment is deemed safe for utilization in food-related applications when adhering to good manufacturing practices.

Ozone treatment represents an efficient, economical, and environmentally sound method that leaves no residues. Employing ozonated water for washing fresh fruit stands out as the optimal approach for disinfection and the prevention of cross-contamination. It is also a highly effective means of eliminating pesticides and reducing the volume of water needed for washing, resulting in substantial cost savings for producers. Numerous studies have substantiated the effectiveness and practicality of ozone treatment in the disinfection of fruits and vegetables.

A straightforward system featuring Sihon-Ozone Ozone Generators offers a cost-efficient, secure, and eco-conscious approach to generate ozonated wash water. By integrating ozone treatment into their operations, producers can contribute to enhancing food safety, decreasing waste, enhancing mold and bacterial eradication, limiting product spoilage, and extending the shelf life of fresh produce.

Ozone as an All-Natural Solution

The adaptability and efficiency of ozone treatment make it a prime disinfectant for a range of applications. Below are a few instances showcasing ozone's versatility:

● Fruit and Vegetable Disinfection: Ozonated water stands as a potent disinfectant suitable for washing fruits and vegetables, effectively eradicating harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Furthermore, it aids in the removal of pesticides and other contaminants that may lead to spoilage. The use of ozonated water for fresh produce disinfection has the potential to prolong shelf life, decrease food wastage, and elevate food safety standards.
● Produce Storage: Ozonated water can also find application in storage and cold storage. Treating produce with ozonated water prior to storage can hinder the proliferation of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, effectively mitigating spoilage and extending the produce's lifespan.
Food Processing: Ozonated water is a valuable resource in food processing for disinfecting equipment and surfaces. This safe and effective disinfectant plays a pivotal role in enhancing food safety while concurrently reducing the risks of spoilage and cross-contamination.
● Irrigation: The application of ozonated water can serve to disinfect irrigation water, diminishing the potential for contamination by detrimental bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This, in turn, aids in preserving crop health and mitigating the occurrence of foodborne illnesses.
● Packaging: Furthermore, ozonated water finds utility in disinfecting packaging materials, thereby reducing the likelihood of contamination during the transportation and storage phases.

Fact about Ozone for Fruit and Vegetable Disinfection

Understanding that improper utilization of ozone technology can result in both inefficiency and wastefulness is crucial.

● Ozone doesn't function as a cleaning agent. When washing vegetables, it's vital to ensure that all dirt is thoroughly removed from the product's surfaces before employing ozone disinfection. Any lingering dirt can interact with ozone, significantly diminishing its effectiveness in disinfecting food or produce.
● Spraying should be carried out using the lowest feasible pressure, or alternatively, it can be substituted with dipping the item in ozonated wash water.
● Regrettably, the majority of today's generators produce ozone at a concentration of 3%wt. or lower, limiting their ability to dissolve more than 20-30% of the total produced ozone in water. This results in approximately 70% of the ozone being wasted, leading to substantial financial inefficiency (a small ozone system with low ozone concentration may cost over USD 10,000 more than an efficient one) and the creation of an exceptionally inefficient ozone water treatment system. To circumvent this challenge, it is essential to select an ozone generator manufacturer who can guarantee the performance and concentration of their product. This step can help ensure that your ozone generator is proficient and effective in producing ozonated water for your intended application.

Our Knowledgeable Engineering team with Industry Experience will Help You in the Following:

● Choosing the appropriate Sihon-Ozone ozone generator size for fruit and vegetable disinfection
● Provide PSA Oxygen Generators or assist in the selection of the appropriate oxygen supply, ensuring that you have the suitable air preparation or feed gas.
● Furnish all Ozone Spare Parts, including Ozone Monitors and control equipment.
● Assist in creating a comprehensive initial design, offer installation guidance, and provide process details aimed at maximizing profitability.
● rewrite: Provide full technical support from expert application engineers every step of the way, before installation and throughout the years.

Get in touch with Sihon-Ozone today, and Sihon-Ozone will be delighted to help address any inquiries you may have.